A dutiful damsel agrees to marry a handsome prince, only to find the royal family has recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt.
For this Netflix feature film we transformed Elodie and Florias faraway homeland into a desolate and barren winter landscape using 2.5D matte paintings and additional CG environment work plus the design and build of the royal carriage as seen inside the courtyard of their families castle.
For the end sequence we created a full CG environment including a river, generated high detail terrain with vegetation and a harbour at which our heroes board the overhauled CG ship asset that carries them away into the sunset. The green screen plates of the actors were then carefully integrated into our digital location.
Project credits
VFX Supervisor: Daniel Jahnel
Executive Producer: Emma Cummins
Producer: Kajsa Kurtén, Samantha Rocca
Production Manager: Kyra Lepp, Lena-Carolin Lohfink
Coordinator: Andrea Hed, Karl Oliver Fjaervoll, Oliver Proud, Pia Josephson
Build Supervisor: Fredrik Uerberle, Sam Lucas
CG Supervisor: Andrew Cadey
Comp Supervisor: David Wahlberg, Lukas Fabian
Light Supervisor: Andrej Blom
Peter Marin
Adrian Tsang
Andreas Krieg
Benjamin Philippovich
Christopher McConnachie
David Megías Fernandez
Elliott Broutin
Guillaume Duparchy
Gustav Ahren
Hugo Medda
Jed Fisher
Jens Schneider
Jens Tenland
Josh Parks
Kim Lindqvist
Kristian Ström
Markus Kircher
Martin Usandizaga
Niklas Nyqvist
Niklas Wanggren
Nils Nolte
Sándor Pető
Sara Grönberg
Stephen Goodson
Sverker Nordqvist
Thure Koch
Tucker Cullinan
Valentin Soulard